Chapter 1

Greetings from James: James 1:1, 2.  
The author identifies himself as James, a bond slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was one of the half brothers of Jesus (Matthew 13:55). This speaks of his deep humility.  Once he refused to believe but he became the inspired writer of this epistle (Mark 3:21). This demonstrates the transforming power of the grace of God.  This epistle is addressed to the twelve tribes in the dispersion. They were scattered from Jerusalem because of persecution.   James was a leader of the Jerusalem Church and a brother of Jude.  James wrote this letter to encourage and to instruct the Jewish Christians who were facing persecution (Acts 8:1). 
The Test of Faith and Endurance: James 1:3- 4. 
There is an endearment in James' address. Christians are dear brothers and sisters in Christ. They belong to the family of God.  James recognizes that Christians will face trials of various kinds. Troubles and trials are inescapable facts in this fallen world (John 16:33; Philippians 1:29; 2 Timothy 3:12). God permits trials for our good.  It produces maturity in the Christian life. Our natural tendency is to avoid trials in life.  Trials can make us either better or bitter. So whenever trials come, we should welcome them as friends with joy because they help us to grow spiritually. True faith will be tested. Those who patiently endure them will grow and become strong in faith. Why does God allow trials in Christian life?  It is to prove the validity of our faith and to wean us from the things we love in this world.  They also help us to become mature and lacking nothing (2 Corinthians 1:4). Trials and sufferings help us to live in hope of heaven 

(2 Corinthians 4:17, 18; Romans 5:3). In our sufferings, God promises his grace and presence to us (2 Corinthians 12:9).  God will not allow trials beyond our ability to endure and he will provide the way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).  Let patience  have her perfect work.  This must be our attitude when we face trials. Perfection here simply means maturity.  Perfection in the absolute sense is reserved for the life to come. 
We need wisdom to understand God’s purpose behind our trials: James 1:5-11.  
God does not want us to face trials and temptations alone. He promises wisdom to understand the purpose of trials in life. We must ask God for wisdom because he is the source of wisdom (Proverbs 2:6).  Every good and perfect gift comes from above (1:17).  God gives wisdom generously and without rebuke to all those who seek wisdom.  But we must ask in faith without wavering knowing that God is the source of wisdom. Wavering people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. They are double minded and are unstable in everything they do. To have wisdom we must have the knowledge of Christ and eternal perspective.   Christians should rejoice not because of earthly status or accomplishments but for their salvation.  God is eager to help us and has no intention of shaming his children.  Our reproach has been removed forever by Christ's death and resurrection. Wealth cannot save anyone. Those who repent of sin and trust in Christ will be saved (John 1:12).  All material things and achievements in the world are like a flower that fades. But God blesses those who patiently endure trials and testing. Therefore Christians should make their request known to God with confidence in prayer.
How to Face Temptations? James 1: 12-18. 
Temptations are inescapable in Christian life.  Someone has said "We can resist anything but temptations".  God permits trials in life to strengthen us.  Scholars suggest that for trials and temptation the same word is used in the Greek language. God never tempts anyone with evil.  But God may permit Satan to test us (James 1:13; Job 1:12). Christ was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4). Satan tempts us to destroy but God allows trials to strengthen us for his service. Christ is our example to face temptations in life.  We are tempted because we are imperfect people and living in a fallen world. In temptation, the wrong thing seems to be right. The actual source of temptation is our lust and evil desire inherent in us (James 1:14).  Paul says "Nothing good dwells in our sinful flesh" (Romans 7:18; Jeremiah 17: 9). Sinful desires give birth to sinful actions. When we allow it to grow, it brings forth death. Someone has said "Lust is the grandmother of death". Enticement leads to entrapment and entrapment into endorsement and finally to enslavement. So when we are tempted, acknowledge the reality of it. It is not an event but a process. Satan is the source of doubts, denial and deception. We must not be ignorant of Satan's strategy. Remember that God’s gifts are always good and perfect. His Word never changes. We are regenerated by His Word (1:18).  Christians should anticipate temptations and assume responsibility for failure. Be strong in the faith and do not place confidence in ourselves. Spend time in the Word of God and meditate on it (Psalms 119:11; Matthew 4:1-11).  Take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).  Be wise doing good and stay innocent as to what is evil (Romans 16:19). Only believers are tempted. Satan does not care about the unsaved. The believers are the forgiven people. If we confess our sins to God, he will forgive and cleanse us from all our sins (1 John 1:9). Victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings. Those who patiently endure trials will receive the crown of life (1:12). Someone has said "Crown is the ability to enjoy heavenly blessing eternally and fully".
Hearing and Doing: James 1:19-27. 
The purpose of hearing the Word of God is to make it part of our day-to-day life. It reveals what is true and not true. Also it helps us to do what is right.  We must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.  Christians are desperately in need of God's Word. The Word of God is able to save our souls.  We should hear the Word of God with the intention of obeying. It has the power to transform our life. To overcome trials we must receive the Word of God with meekness. It has the inherent power to transform life. Mere hearing will not profit anybody.  Many people hear the Word to feel good and to find temporary comfort in their conscience.  It is like a man looking at his face in the mirror and forgetting what he looks like.  Those who love the Word of God and obey them will be blessed. Mere external religion is worthless. Our uncontrolled speech exposes our wickedness (Matthew 7:22, 23).  True worship is not outward religious service but it is showing compassion to people who are in need and keeping us unstained from the corruptions of this world.  If a person is not seeking to obey Christ in life, he is not truly saved. Simply going through religious rituals and motion will be proved empty and meaningless 

(2 Corinthians 5:15). Pray that God would strengthen you in your trials by his grace.