The four Gospels in the New Testament present a fourfold view of the life of Christ. The Gospels were written so that their readers would come to believe in Christ and receive eternal life. The four Gospels present four portraits of Jesus. Matthew was a Jewish tax collector. He wrote his gospel for the Jewish readers. Mark was a travel companion of Paul and Peter. He wrote his Gospel for the Roman mind. Luke was a physician. He traveled with Paul. He wrote his gospel for the Greek mind. John’s Gospel is different by nature from the other three. It is an interpretation of the facts of Jesus’ life and ministry rather than a biographical presentation in historical sequence. The first three Gospels are known as synoptic Gospel because in most part they look alike. Matthew presents Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. His Jewish name was Levi, and he was a tax collector for Rome. When Jesus invited him to follow, he left everything and followed Christ (Matthew 9:9). Matthew was an apostle and an eyewitness of Jesus Christ. He gives Christ’s legal genealogy to connect him with his royal heritage and shows Joseph as his legal father. In this gospel, Christ’s baptism, messages, and miracles point to the conclusion that Jesus is the King of Jews, the Messiah. Many scholars consider the gospel of Mark as the source document to all the synoptic gospels, Matthew, and Luke. Many consider that Matthew wrote his gospel in Greek language before the destruction of Jerusalem. Most likely the Matthew wrote his gospel in A.D 60 from Palestine (Matthew 24-25). This gospel bridges the Old Testament with the New Testament.
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