John Chapter 9

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind:
(Read John 9:1-12)
As Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth.  Jesus is always looking for people who are in need of help. Blind man never requested healing, yet the Lord healed him. He knows our needs and is willing to restore us. Meanwhile the disciples asked Jesus a loaded question. Was blindness the result of the man's sin or his parents' sin?  How quick we are to judge others.  Even though the man and his parents were sinners, his blindness had nothing to do with their sin.  It was an opportunity for the work of God to be revealed in him. There was a common belief among Jews that physical sickness is the result of sin. Jesus replied that his blind is not caused by something he or his parents did. Job’s friends thought that terrible things happened to him because of his sin. They were wrong. God Himself settled the issue in Chapter 38 to 41.   All sufferings in the world can be traced to the fact that we live in a fallen world. Sometimes God allows suffering in our lives because he loves us (Hebrews 12:3-11).  God uses suffering to accomplish His purposes (Philippians 1:12). God is also able to save some from suffering, some through suffering, and some out of suffering. Jesus has come to rescue us from the ultimate suffering of sin.  We have an eternal hope laid up in heaven that we will be like Christ.  There is no suffering or pain in heaven. Jesus told the blind man to "Go and wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam which means "Sent". Perhaps Jesus chose this method to test his faith and obedience. He responded immediately and was healed. Thus, Jesus proved that he is the light of the world.  God who created man from dust has used dust to restore his sight. It was a foretaste of the kingdom's blessing. Pharisees accused Jesus because this happened on Sabbath.  

Jesus is the Source of all Comfort:
(Read John 9:12-34)
There was confusion and skepticism about this healing.  We should never assume that once we are saved there will not be any problem or suffering. Suffering is part of Christian life (John 16:33).  Christians are saved from ultimate suffering and condemnation. Now they are under the care of the loving Father who provides hope and strength in their sufferings (2 Corinthians 12:9). The religious leaders asked the man his opinion of Jesus. He responded that Jesus is a prophet. Jews refused to believe his testimony. They asked his parents whether their son was born blind? They wanted their son to speak for himself because they were afraid of Jews. The Pharisees wanted the blind man to attribute the miracle to God and to admit that Jesus is a sinner.  At that time with unshakable conviction the man responded, "I know this, I was blind and now I see” (John 9:25).  Highly educated Pharisees could not keep up with his conviction. They insulted him for telling the truth. For him it was not an intellectual issue but a moral and spiritual issue. In many ways, believers are like this man.  We were formerly blind to see the glorious light of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). But Christ opened our eyes to see our real need and we responded to Christ’s saving grace. Now we have a story to tell the nations. We may not be scholars of scripture but like this blind man, we can share with others what Christ has done in our lives. We need to tell the spiritually blind that they need to believe Christ, the Light of the world.  Only Jesus can open their understanding. While the gospel is good news, it is ineffective for sinners without faith.  The Gospel is the power of God to save sinners.  Those who are saved would say, “Once I was blind but now, I see".   

Spiritual Blindness: 
(Read John 9:35-41)
Jews excommunicated the man from the synagogue because of his faith in Christ.  He knew that God listens to those who do his will and if Christ was a sinner, Christ could not have healed him. Jesus found him and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” He answered, “Who is he, that I may believe in Him". The blind man was ready to believe but needed help.  Jesus said, "You have now seen Him, and it is he who is speaking to you".  Suddenly he understood that he was looking at the Messiah and worshipped him.  He started his journey by calling Jesus a Man (John 9:11) and then a Prophet (John 9:17). Finally, he responded to his faith in Christ and worshiped him. Many people don't understand what believing in Jesus means.  It does not mean believing in Jesus Christ intellectually as a historical figure.  It means to be persuaded of Jesus and to accept him as trustworthy. Those who believe in Christ have eternal life.  He is our sin bearer (John 1:29).  We need to see our desperate need for salvation and seek God's mercy.  Jesus did not come to judge the world but to save us.  We are all by nature spiritually blind and poor.  If we reject Jesus habitually, God may allow hardness of heart and to delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:11).  The healing of this man's blindness was a priceless gift, but the greatest gift is Jesus Christ himself. When we are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we must respond to God's grace. How is our faith journey progressing? Christ came to offer spiritual sight, but Pharisees chose to remain blind. In contempt, religious leaders asked Jesus “Are we also blind?” Jesus said to them “If you were blind, you would have no guilt, but you remain guilty because you claim you see”. They failed to understand that all they needed was Christ. Have you ever thanked Jesus for what He has done for you? Have you received spiritual sight by believing in Christ? 







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